Taxonomy | Definition | Description | Modern Trends in Plant Taxonomy

Modern trends in plant taxonomy :

Taxonomy is the science of grouping organisms into different categories according to their physical characters. This grouping or classification should be based on homology I.e; the individuals gathered in the same group must share characteristics that have been inherited from a common ancestor. Thus to study the modern trends in taxonomy. We must go through the history of classification and how this branch has developed with the development of peoples, instruments, and techniques. We must keep in mind that taxonomy today is a reflection of the post.

       Within the last 50 years, plant taxonomist has begun to look for more precise techniques in order to understand the relation between the genera and the families. A lot of questions have been brought in mind. Which is more advanced and which are less ? What is the origin of these plants? which more related and which must keep apart? and many other questions are kept apart? and many other questions are kept in mind. These have made the taxonomist go further inside the internal structures of the plants and especially the chromosomes structure, DNA sequences, and genome structure. This is what we called molecular taxonomy. Data obtained from this study are compared with those obtained from other tools of taxonomy and all these data have used for cladistic analysis and phylogenetic interpretation. In this review, we have to go through the most recent works in plant taxonomy and systematics. 
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