Significance of Biotechnology Botany Major Guwahati University

Significance of Biotechnology Botany Major Guwahati University

Biotechnology is a process of using living organisms or their enzymes or their molecules to obtain products or to develop the process for the welfare of mankind. The father of biotechnology is Paul Berg.

We know in our body insulin is synthesized. Beta-cell synthesized insulin. Every individual synthesizes only that much insulin which will need to regulate our blood sugar. Sometimes people who suffer from diabetes, in their body insulin is not produced in sufficient quantity and they are advised to take insulin injection. Scientists have isolated this insulin-producing gene from our beta-cell introduced it into E. Coli. This gene undergoes transcription and translation to produce insulin. We isolate that insulin from E . Coli package it and use it for human welfare. This is one of the interesting application and it is successfully going on.

            The second interesting thing is about vaccines. We have heard about so many vaccines. We take this vaccine for our immunization. Eg:- Polio vaccines. These are either weakened or killed the pathogen and we rely on the process when we give those two drops to barbies to immunize them against polio. We assume that this pathogen had been properly killed bit there is a risk. Suppose if one virus is not killed, so we give 2 drops to immunize, one pathogen will enter the body and cause the disease. Maybe the risk factor is very very less because this vaccine is first tasted, certified but still, there is a risk. We take the protein which is present in the capsid or capsule. Whenever there is a protein, there has to be a gene, because it is the gene that gets transcribed and translated that is how we obtain protein. So increase of polio vaccine we need that protein as an antigen. That antigen when goes into our body. Our body synthesizes antibodies. Scientists isolated this protein from the capsid of pathogen introduced into a plant. In the plant, gene plant undergoes transcrotrans and translation and plant produce that protein i.e; antigen and they have successfully developed edible vaccines. One such edible vaccines are banana. So in banana, they introduced this gene. So when they gave this banana to a child that antigen is entered their body and the body will be synthesized antibodies now there is no risk of the pathogen . Because we are not given killed pathogens, we simply gave that protein that is another application.

We know about fireflies. There is a typical property it produces a protein called luciferin. This protein has a property to absorb Photons when the light is available. When light is not available from these proteins are emitted various wavelengths that is why insect glows in dark. They have planted this plant on the roadside and there is no need for street light because this plant will glow during the night. These are some Interesting things about biotech and which we have successfully done.


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