C4 plants | Definition | Description

C4 plants | Definition | Description

C4 plants | Definition | Description

 * Characteristics: Kranz anatomy and dimorphic chloroplasts.

* C4 plants perform carbon fixation through OAA.

* Example of these plants is sugarcane, maize, crabgrass, sorghum, Atriplex, amaranthus, etc.

 * Carbon pathway in photosynthesis is the C4   dicarboxylic acid pathway (HATCH-SLACK   PATHWAY).                                      

* The first stable product of the above carbon pathway is    4-C compound oxaloacetic acid (OAA).

The leaves have " Cane type "of anatomy   (KRANZ ANATOMY) with compact mesophyll around the bundle sheath of vascular bundles and dimorphic chloroplast. Those of bundle sheath are large and lack grana, while those of mesophyll are smaller and contain grana.

Optimum temperature for photosynthesis is high.

No photorespiration ( or very little photorespiration).

Photosynthetically more efficient.

Carbon dioxide compensation point is low, 2 to 5 or even 0 ppm.

Rate of CO2 evolution in light is apparently none. Carbonic anhydrase activity is low.
Rate of translocation of end products of photosynthesis is high. The optimum temperature for growth is high.
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